Fun fact: Naot is one of THE top selling shoe companies in China. Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong all have several stores, with more opening.
"Made in Israel" is a status symbol on shoes and other goods.
So thank you China.
(Now if you would free Tibet, stop using child or any slave labor, and improve working conditions, as well as air / environmental qualities, I'd be super grateful).
El Kevin Brayan • 21 hours ago
G_d bless China and her people. As Jews we will always be grateful. Once upon a time, there was a thriving Jewish community in Kaifeng. They were never persecuted and were very respected. Their descendants are still around. The great Pearl S. Buck wrote a novel about those Jews, "Peony", which I highly recommend.
上帝保佑中国和她的人民。作为犹太人我们会永远感激。曾经,在开封有繁荣的犹太社区。他们从来没有被迫害并且被很好的尊重。他们的后代仍然在周围生活。伟大的Pearl S. Buck写过一本关于那些犹太人的小说"Peony"。我非常建议大家读一读。
HolylandIsraelTours • a day ago
I have lived for 6 years in China. I can write here that the Chinese people are very friendly and kind and they love Israel and admire the Jewish people. Thank you China for helping the Jewish people in one of their lowest moments in history. China was the only nation in WWII to accept Jewish refugees. God Bless you.
Bjørn Augestad HolylandIsraelTours • a day ago
"China was the only nation in WWII to accept Jewish refugees."
Nope, not true. Sweden, for one, accepted every Danish and Norwegian jew that crossed the border.
HolylandIsraelTours Bjørn Augestad • 7 hours ago
Hello Bjorn, thank you for your information. I was not aware of that. It is good to know that there were good people when evil raged everywhere.
The people who saved Jews in in WWII were real Saints. God Bless them.
MOGILVY10 · a day ago
The simple Chinese passers by directed me to the "Jewish Memorial Centre", when they noticed I was trying to find my way...The shop keepers around went out of their way to recollect how good their relationship with the jewish community was...All Chinese I met in Shanghai had nothing but praise for jews and modern Israel and openly wished to see them back...The Chinese Government is cynical in its pro-arab policies, but the Shanghai people are definitely pro-Israel.
האמת MOGILVY10 · 7 hours ago
Well, the Chinese government definitely doesn't represent the people. I hope they get a democracy soon.
Johan Sterk • 2 days ago
"China says 'You're welcome'"
Jewish emigration to China booming now?
中国说"不用谢(英文也有 欢迎你的意思,译者)"
MOGILVY10 Johan Sterk • 7 hours ago
No need to it....Jews made Israel one of the 10 happiest nations of the planet !
EverSubtle Johan Sterk • a day ago
Actually .... Jewish trade with China is booming right now :P
事实上,中国和以色列的贸易正在井喷 :P
Syd Chaden • 2 days ago
FDR refused requests for US action to save Jews during the Holocaust. He refused to take Jewish refugees into the USA, he refused to bomb the death camps or the railroad tracks leading to them, and he objected to offers by other countries to accept Jewish refugees. Yet, liberal American Jews virtually worship FDR, but have little regard for his successor, Harry Truman. If FDR hadn't died, and if Truman hadn't become President of the USA, the State of Israel probably would not have been created by the UN. Maybe that is why liberal American Jews think so highly of FDR.
markjsunz Syd Chaden • 2 days ago
Japan also took in some Jews during WW 2.
spring12 • 2 days ago
when are they going to thank the persians for saving thousands of Jews during WWII?
ScottAdler spring12 • 2 days ago
When the Persians overthrown their tyrants and become a great nation again.
הרופא • 2 days ago
Rafasa Arandas • 2 days ago
To be honest, it was the Japanese who played more of a role in saving Jews than the Chinese.
scoobydoo12 Rafasa Arandas • a day ago
We thank anyone who saved even one Jew - each soul is an entire complete world (olam u'melo'o).
Inter-Asian politics are irrelevant here. We appreciate both the Chinese and the Japanese.
我们感谢任何一个哪怕只救了一个犹太人的人 - 拯救一个人,就是拯救了整个世界
ScottAdler Rafasa Arandas • 2 days ago
It's true -- the Japanese simply assigned their local scholars to handle "Jewish question." The Jews professors understood Jews reasonably well, and did what they could. The Japanese didn't want another problem, and the Jews just wanted to keep their heads down.
是的--日本人只是分派了他们自己的学者来处理"犹太人我问题"。犹太教授很好的理解犹太人,做了自己能做的。日本人不想要其他的麻烦,而犹太人只想低调(实在翻不通这段话 译者)
Justsomeone Rafasa Arandas • 2 days ago
But the Japanese allied with the Nazis and killed many many Chinese, so that probably explains why they don't exactly get credit.
cruz • 2 days ago
Thank the Russians too or did you forget?
Justsomeone cruz • 2 days ago
Stalin killed millions, perhaps even more then Hitler, he would never attack Hitler if Hitler did not strike the first blow, and you know it.
cruz Justsomeone • 2 days ago
Justsomeone cruz • 2 days ago
Such an informative and constructive post...
ScottAdler Justsomeone • 2 days ago
Actually, many historians believe that Stalin was preparing to attack Hitler in the fall of 1941. The Red Army was not positioned for the defense of Russia, but to support an offensive, which, in part, explains the extraordinary success of the Hitlerites early in Operation Barbarossa. (Of course, the officer corps was still reeling from the purges, but that is another issue.)
事实上,很多历史学家相信在1941年秋季斯大林准备进攻希特勒。红军当时并不是防御,而是采取了一种进攻性的姿态。这也部分的解释了希特勒主义者 成功的实施了巴巴罗沙计划。(当然,军官大清洗的事情大家还记忆犹新,但那是另外一个话题了)
Justsomeone ScottAdler • 2 days ago
Hard to say really, He could maybe try to extort more territory from Hitler, but I doubt he intended to bring ruin to the soviet union by starting a war with Europe's most powerfull army at the time.
MULTIFACETED cruz • 2 days ago
wait a second let me feed me cat is more important than you . take a chair and wait for my replay
AL cruz • 2 days ago
The Israelis built a monument in Netanya to thank the Russians for their part in defeating the n@zis. It was inaugurated in 2012, with Putin in attendance.
N.L. Shriber AL • 2 days ago
And, annually, the State of Israel commemorates the contribution the Red Army veterans who live among us in Israel by holding ceremonies and marches.
cruz AL • 2 days ago
I stand corrected.
AL cruz • 2 days ago
Apparently it is the only monument to the Russian dead of WW2 outside the old Soviet block.
N.L. Shriber AL • 2 days ago
I think you are wrong. I know of such a monument in Qirjat Shmonah and I suspect there are small monuments in other towns. The one in Netanjah was in the news since it was dedicated, as I recall, when Mr. Putin visited Israel.
我想你错了。我知道在Qirjat Shmonah有一个这样的纪念碑。我估计别的地方也有类似小的纪念碑。Netanjah那的那个我记得在新闻里提到是当普京访问以色列的时候建立的。
AL N.L. Shriber • 2 days ago
Thanks for the correction.
Mossad cruz • 2 days ago
We already have, for their good vodka.
Le Chaim !!!!
cruz Mossad • 2 days ago
Btw Mo, Bernie is only 1 point behind Clinton in the latest Iowa poll! Imagine that! Iowa!
顺便说一下, 在最新的爱荷华州投票中 伯尼只落后克林顿一票!想想吧!爱荷华!
Hassaan • 2 days ago
WWII was then.
Now China is run by a bunch of g0dless commies who can't wait to send money and weapons to Iran in exchange for oil.
China would do well to remember the lesson Stalin learned the hard way when he made a deal with and was double-crossed by Hitler. Never trust a crook, even if you are one yourself.
davrg • 2 days ago
China couldn't save any Jews as it had been occupied by the Japanese. It had been Japanese who saved tens of thousands of the European Jews in the Northern China. Differently from the Western countries that didn't want any (Brits including in their African colonies), Japanese were ready to accept any amount. It were the Germans (the N^zis) who pressured them to stop.
Poupic davrg • 2 days ago
Yyou simply do not know. Why display your ignorance. I personally knew a family from France who went on a navy ship and were disembarked in Shanghai. They were accepted and live there safe and sound till the end of the war.
common sense davrg • 2 days ago
But the Chinese inhabitants did not campaign against/resist/hate the Jewish immigrants as did so many other nations/people/politicians/sanctimonious diplomats in the "civilized west." Unfortunately, 6,000,000 other Jews did not have the fortune to avail themselves of the Japanese/Chinese connection...
但中国的居民没有像"文明的西方"国家的 国民/政客/伪善者那样 反对/拒绝/仇恨犹太移民。不幸的是,6百万其他的犹太人因为中日之间的战争而没有这样的幸运
i__Cry • 2 days ago
That's really nice.
i__Cry • 2 days ago
Re-write the first sentence JPost staff, it makes no sense.
Last month or Wednesday?
i__Cry • 2 days ago
Screw Europe.
Imagine our so much better situation if the Jewish Diaspora after the fall of Jerusalem would have headed to China.
davrg i__Cry • 2 days ago
There were some Jews in China, but they'd completely assimilated by 16th century. There is no antisemitism in China so the Jews there had nothing to separate them from their surrounding. Besides the hatred, Europeans also contributed to us their genes which constitute more than 50% of our genes. As we are, we couldn't "appear" in any other place, including China.
NotTHATMike davrg • 2 days ago
According to WSJ,
"41% of Chinese polled thought Jews are more loyal to Israel than to their home country, while one-third thought they have too much power in business and finance.
in 1953 Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping fretted that the Kaifeng Jews might be subversive. "The Kaifeng Jewish community is disclosing secrets to the overseas communities and causing trouble," the leaders wrote in the memo, which I verified with some scholars of Jewish life in China."
在1953年毛和邓害怕开封的犹太人颠覆ZF。"开封的犹太社区向海外散布秘密会引起麻烦" 领导人在备忘录中这样写。我和一些在中国的犹太学者证实了这一点"
sam davrg • 2 days ago
There are Chinese Jews.
i__Cry davrg • 2 days ago
"contributed to us their genes which we have theirs by more than 50%."
Which might explain the political morons among us.
bldob i__Cry • 2 days ago
Jews were brought to Europe as slaves. There was no choice in the matter.
i__Cry bldob • 2 days ago
Some, not all.
Even the Jews forced to Europe, as the discrimination began from the Catholic Church, very early, they might have left.
felak • 2 days ago
I think the English saying you're looking for is 'You're Welcome'
xkeyscore • 2 days ago
On Thursday, the gesture of gratitude was returned by some Chinese
students of Hebrew who made a video of their own to say, "Your welcome."
Send all settlers to China !!
在周四,一些中国的希伯来语学生回赠了一份表达"不用谢(英文也有 欢迎你的意思,译者)"的心意的视频
sam xkeyscore • 2 days ago
same to you Joe Dirt.
你也一样,Joe Dirt.
Judy xkeyscore • 2 days ago
I would love it if the Arabs squatters went to China!
common sense Judy • 2 days ago
Better and more realistic send them to the EU...
🐉slobodin • 2 days ago
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