瑞士汇率大波动 究竟发生了什么
These are strange and unnerving times in globalfinancial markets, and if Thursday’s jaw-droppingmove in the Swiss currency didn’t prove it, nothingwill.
It is not every day that the currency of anadvanced, economically important country rises bydouble-digit percentages against the currencies ofother such countries within mere hours. But that iswhat happened to the Swiss franc on Thursday. It isup 18 percent against the euro as of Thursday morning, and at one point was up 39 percent.Currency strategists were searching for any analogue in modern history for a similarly abruptmove in major Western currency and coming up empty.
The Swiss move offers interesting lessons about the oddly precarious state of the globaleconomy, but first it’s worth working through what exactly the Swiss National Bank has done.
瑞士市场的波动提供了关于全球经济脆弱状况的有趣证明,但首先,我们应该弄清楚瑞士国家银行(SwissNational Bank)究竟做了些什么。
Back during the eurozone debt crisis in 2011, fear was high that banks in countries that use theeuro would go belly up. If you were a company or rich person in a country like Greece or Italy oreven France or Germany, fearful that the euro could go kablooey and your local banks with it,you were sorely tempted to catch a flight to Zurich or Geneva and deposit your money in aSwiss bank. Amid a general atmosphere of global panic, the same could be said of plenty ofsavers outside Europe: Russians, Middle Easterners, Chinese, you name it.
All those people looking to park money in Switzerland, a country of only 8 million people,created incredible upward pressure on the Swiss franc. From the start of 2010 to mid-2011,the value of the franc rose 44 percent against the euro.
Think about that for a minute. It would be as if dollars in the state of Virginia (with apopulation similar to Switzerland) suddenly were worth 44 percent more than the dollars usedin the rest of the country. Virginians would be wealthier, but it would be a catastrophe forbusinesses in the state. Suddenly their costs would be 44 percent higher, effectively, thanthat of competitors in other states. Tourism would dry up; why go to a Virginia beach when it is44 percent more expensive than a North Carolina beach?
That’s exactly the situation Swiss businesses faced. Swiss watchmakers, pharmaceutical firmsand ski resorts were suffering mightily because a scary global economy made people want topark their money into Swiss banks.
The Swiss National Bank came to the rescue. After its earlier efforts to cut interest rates hadn’tdone enough to dampen interest in the franc, it pulled out the big guns, and set a peg,announcing it wouldn’t allow the franc to appreciate such that one franc buys fewer than 1.2euros. They backed it by going onto foreign exchange markets at will and buying euros asnecessary to defend the peg.
It worked for a long time. But now, the European Central Bank looks to be on the verge of anextensive new effort to try to pump money into the European economy to get it out of itsdoldrums, which is creating downward pressure on the euro. The pressure is particularlypronounced against the dollar, the benchmark of global commerce, which is rising in partbecause of a strong United States economy and plans by the Federal Reserve to raise interestrates.
在很长一段时间内,这种做法起了作用。但是现在,欧洲央行(European Central Bank)似乎即将采取大规模行动,设法为欧洲经济注入资金,使之摆脱低迷。欧洲经济的低迷正在促使欧元下行。在兑换美元——国际贸易的基准货币——的汇率方面,这种压力尤其明显。美元正在升值,这在一定程度上是因为美国经济走强,以及美联储(Federal Reserve)提高利率的计划。
Meanwhile, Russia is a basket case, increasing the desire of Russian oligarchs to avoidexposure to a falling ruble.
All that means that the 1.2 euro peg is becoming more and more expensive to defend. And onThursday, the Swiss National Bank, led by Thomas Jordan, basically waved the white flag.
In a news release, the bank said that it believed the franc was less overvalued now than it hadbeen when the policy started, so no more peg. “Recently, divergences between the monetarypolicies of the major currency areas have increased significantly – a trend that is likely tobecome even more pronounced,” the announcement said.
In other words, this situation is only going to get worse, which means we would be throwingSwiss francs down a money pit if we tried to continue defending the 1.2 currency peg.
The central bank simultaneously cut interest rates, hoping to offset some of the damage inforeign exchange markets. It didn’t work. The Swiss franc-to-euro exchange rate moved backto where it was before the peg was introduced. Shares of major Swiss companies like Nestleplummeted. Exporters in Switzerland (and people thinking of traveling there, such as the globalelite soon heading to Davos for the World Economic Forum) are in for serious sticker shock.
瑞士央行在同一时间降息,希望能冲抵对外汇市场的一些损害。但是没用。瑞士法郎兑欧元的汇率回到了设定这一上限之前的水平。雀巢(Nestle)等瑞士大公司的股价暴跌。瑞士的出口商(以及考虑前往该国的人们,比如很快将奔赴达沃斯出席世界经济论坛[World Economic Forum]的全球精英)会面临严重的“价签休克”。
One can sympathize with the Swiss National Bank as it defended its peg in the face ofmounting potential losses. But the bigger lesson here is this: The six years and counting ofaggressive monetary activism out of major central banks like the Fed and E.C.B. may haverescued the global economy over and over. But it has also created a range of spillovers farbeyond United States and European borders that people all around the world will be grapplingwith for a long time to come.
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